Monday, June 14, 2010

Ruby and the Ruby cheat (Pin and Background) :)

In order to get the Ruby Ring Pin, you will have to click some things in a certain order... 1st The file cabinet...2nd The Lamp...3rd The trashcan...4th The Book...5th The Vase...6th The frame, you have to click it twice because after you click the frame, there will be a safe and then you have to click that to get the Pin. :)This is what it looks like after you did all that. :) Congratulations, you found the pin! :)For the secret background, you have to go to the very last page (which is the back page) of the catalog. :) Then you just drag the description down and there you will see the Secret Background. :)Would you like to buy Noir Background for 60 coins? YES please! :)

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